I always wonder why rainbows make us feel so ethereal and excited every time we see it. Maybe because it’s a beautiful creation of nature and we are always fascinated with beauty right? Whether it is a 3 yr old or a 93 yr old.. a rainbow will always instil excitement in their hearts!
But today i looked at the rianbow in a totally different way. It appreared so powerful yet so weak.. it could vanish within a few seconds or minutes all by itself.. having no human control on it. Today it didnt make me happy- but made me a bit sad . WHY ? Have u ever analysed its shape ? Its like an upside down smile.. almost as if its sad.. as if its telling a story and does NOT want to vanish. Hmm…
Well people are like rainbows to some extent..We are created by nature( well not literally but its still magical :)) ) We can make others smile at our presence and feel sad at our absence. We are made up of colourful thoughts that make us whole . We are reflections of our parents . And just like rainbows make us a tad melancholy when it disappears ( just wanting to see it for a few seconds more ) , so do people.
OH! So I just made a connection- the lonliness which creeps up when the rainbow in our lives dissappears. I dont want to lecture or tell you how to feel but just wanted to share some positive thoughts about it. When we come into this world- we arrive alone and go back alone. In this journey of life there are moments in everyone’s life that they will be lonely .( Trust me – you are not alone ) Lonliness just doesnt happen when some’one’ leaves you , but can happen even when you have everyone around you all the time. Lonliness can happen to the best of us; to the worst of us.Yes it can makes us do weird things but sometimes it can lead us to do positive things.
Lonliness is just a state of mind and the ‘rainbow” could be anything. .
We are in charge of our feelings and no one can make us feel any way but us. Our minds are so powerful that we can train it to be postive no matter what. So how can one be lonely when your mind is filled with thoughts, ideas,emotions and connections? I know that easier said than done.. but why not try.. AND.BE.YOUR,.OWN. RAINBOW!
Have a happy day!